Thursday, July 21, 2011

Tips and Tricks: Remove Acad.vlx Virus from AutoCAD Products.

Most AutoCAD based products have reported malicious attack causing your drawing files to corrupt and render unuseful. This is not an actual AutoCAD file provided by Autodesk. 

When the malicious file Acad.vlx is loaded in AutoCAD it creates a copy of itself in the Help folder under C:\Program Files\AutoCAD 20xx\Help\logo.gif. It also modifies other files. It changes the system variable ACADLSPASDOC from default value 0 to 1, allowing Acad.vlx to be loaded in other drawings, thereby corrupting them.
Follow these simple steps on how to prevent further corruption of the drawing files: 

1. Under product installation folder, locate support folder. i.e C:\Program Files\AutoCAD 20xx\Support.

2. Inside the Support folder find the file acad20xx.lsp file. Open the file with Notepad and add the below code to the file.
 (defun cleanvirus( / lspfiles lspfile x)
    (setq lspfiles (“acad.vlx” “logo.gif”))
        (foreach lspfile lspfiles
           (while (setq x (findfile lspfile))
              (vl-file-delete x)
             (princ “\nDeleted file”)
           (princ x)
3. Open each of the following files:
C:\Program Files\AutoCAD 20xx\Express\acetauto.lsp
C:\Program Files\AutoCAD 20xx\Support\ai_utils.lsp
Note: Replace ROAMABLEROOTPREFIX with the value returned by the ROAMABLEROOTPREFIX system variable. 

4. If present, delete the following line of code:
(vl-file-copy(findfile(vl-list->string'(108 111 103 111 46 103 105 102)))(vl-list->string'(97 99 97 100 46 118 108 120)))

5. Save each file.

Please feel free to leave a comment or queries. I would be glad to answer your queries.

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